Tuesday, July 21, 2009

First Week In

You see this building off to the left? That is where I am currently sitting and typing the words you are reading right... now. That is a picture of the Free Public Library of Philadelphia - and it's only a five minute walk from my apartment.

I come here everyday because I do not have the internet at my apartment and they give it away for free, which is very nice of them.

As most of you know, I am telecommuting to work everyday for my job at the Library in Covington. Ironically, I still have to get up and report to a library. I think most people that telecommute get to do it in their pajamas. Well, at least I can stop wearing khakis.

Can I get a few more pictures of the library?

Thank you.

So what has Nathan been doing for his first week in Philly? Unpacking and installing towel racks. I spend every night unpacking with my lovely wife or going to the hardware store. I have been to the hardware store so many times that I have a jokey-friendly relationship going with it's employees.

I have learned how to use a wall anchor, how too use a hacksaw, install a towel rack, find a stud, utilize a stud, the difference between drywall and plaster etc. etc. AND YOU KNOW WHAT? I still don't care for manual labor. When I survey my successfully finished projects, I don't think: "What a great feeling! I DID that! Using my know-how and muscles I made life better for me and my family!" Every time I find myself thinking: "Well, that took forever. Geez, let's hope I never have to pull this drill out again. Aw man, I'm sweating! Now I'm gonna need a shower before bed."

I'm also riding my bike a lot. Not having a car is awesome so far (except when you want to go to Ikea). I love riding my bike and I get the chance to do it everyday. I am hoping to fashion one of those baskets to the back of it so I can ride to the grocery store! I guess I should go talk my friends at the hardware store about that...

Below are some pictures of my neighborhood. The part of town I live in is called the Logan Circle area. We are pretty close to the Philadelphia Art Museum (with the Rocky steps) if that means anything to you:

See that fountain above? Kids swim in it from time to time and Ruby got in with them 2 nights ago. She loved it! Our neighborhood is very beautiful and filled with various Museums. It's also very safe (momma Gabriel and Wilson - don't worry).

Virginia likes her new job and every time she tells me about it - the job gets better and better. Her job is a promotion from what she was doing in Cincy. She is now an Editor in the publishing world. So more $$$, more responsibility, more everything good. The company, Elsevier publishing, had great benefits packages and a 35 hour work week! Plus, her commute to work is a 12 minute walk! So she has a sweet gig going.

For me, the most noticeably different thing about living is Philly is the beautiful people. They are everywhere. Male and female alike. Almost no one is fat. Everyone is dressed very stylishly and has a great haircut. Now while that is wonderful for my eyes, my self esteem needs to toughen up a bit. I feel kind of... dated, concerning my fashion choices. It's nothing that a few hundred dollars and a trip to the shopping district can't fix though.

Oh! Something new in my life is the Too Beautiful To Live podcast! I have been listening to it like a madman recently. It's a radio talk show on which young 20-30 somethings sit around playing cool music and sounds clips and laughing for three hours a night. I tried it in Cincinnati and didn't like it but I'm all into it now because it makes me feel... less... lonely. As sad as that is to admit.

I do miss home. I miss everyone back home. But I have nothing to complain about here. After the initial home-sickness wears off, I start classes and begin making friends, I will be very happy for the next two years.

In the mean-time, I am going to enjoy some quality time with my wife (no, that's not code) and dog.

This is how close our apartment is to the city.

NEXT POST: Apartment pictures & Dr. Faustus!

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